Research & Evaluation

The PERC team performs rigorous evaluations to ensure program success and to identify areas for improvement. 

Our researchers and evaluators bring together expertise on quantitative methods, measurement, teacher professional development, English language learners, high school-to-college transition, student agency, and formative assessment.

We use mixed methods to buy custom papers, build and test the theory behind PERC, and understand contexts and individual experiences. Because random assignment to PERC classrooms and TAS roles is not feasible, we use techniques such as Propensity Score Matching to evaluate the efficacy of the PERC model for students, matching students in PERC to students in New York City peer schools who are similar to them on a large array of characteristics.

Research on PERC has been presented at national and international conferences, including the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, National Association for Research on Science Teaching, American Educational Research Association, and the American Association for Teaching and Curriculum. Published scholarship on PERC has appeared in peer-reviewed national and international journals.